Tuesday, August 30, 2016

This is a manipulation tutorials , a lion in a dream .
This manipulation created using adobe photoshop cc , 2015. This is an example for beginners ,
you can use existing tools in Photoshop .
then please your imagination to put the idea into a photo,

Watch Tutorials Video:

If you need a stock of images , please download below:


Sunday, August 28, 2016

In this tutorial for beginners I'll be demonstrating how you can create a vector donut graphic using Adobe Illustrator

This tutorial is for Illustrator version CC.2015 and is intended to teach you how to use the software. 

Need a vector or logo made? Get a quote at:

Ready to make some money with your design skills? Check out my freelancing guide:

Like me on Facebook to be updated on new videos and for a peek behind the scenes of my design work:

Want to support my channel? I don't accept donations, but if you feel compelled to support my work here on Youtube in any way then a one-time purchase of my $15 online course outlining how to design a logo from start to finish would be greatly appreciated, and you may learn a thing or two about logo design as well. You can check it out here
Watch Video. Tutorials.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Menurut survey saya, 7/10 pembeli Domain name dari reseller, belum mampu untuk mensettings domain itu sendiri ke blog mereka masing-masing. Ntah mereka yang malas untuk mempelajari ataupun hanya tidak mampu mencerna dengan IQ nya mereka punya.

Disini saya akan mengajarkan sedikit cara “Settings DNS to Blogger from Enom”. Daripada suruh kepada orang belum Anda kenal secara baik, bahkan bisa berakibat kecolongan blog ataupun informasi pribadi Anda loh. Sangat fatal kalau sudah kehilangan seperti itu.

Ikuti setiap tahap yang saya berikan, berikut tutorialnya :

Login terlebih dahulu ke akun domain Anda, disini saya menggunakan provider Enom. Jadisaya menggunakan alternatif login melalui

Maka Anda akan diredirect ke halaman yang dimana Anda akan dapat mengatur DNS Anda secara penuh didalamnya. Kira-kira seperti ini tampilan dalamnya.

Sekarang, login ke akun Blogger Anda dan pilih blog mana yang akan dipasang domain name.

Lalu pilih menu Setelan -> Dasar. Akan terlihat seperti tampilan digambar dibawah ini.

Klik di +Siapkan URL pihak ke-3 untuk blog Anda untuk memasukkan domain name Anda, lalu Simpan. Akan muncul error seperti dibawah ini. Jangan risau, ini adalah error yang menunjukkan DNS belum terverifikasi oleh blogger.

Masuk ke bagian kembali untuk menyambungkan DNS Blogger ke domain Anda. Klik edit dibagian Host Records seperti dibagian gambar.

Anda akan masuk ke bagian settings Host secara manual, isikan Hostname “@” dan Address dengan IP tersebut, dan pilih bagian Record Type dengan A ( Address ). Kemudian dibagian CNAME ( Alias ) isikan www (*bisa diganti dengan sub lainnya, contoh : blog, web, dan lain sebagainya ).

Di bagian CNAME ( Alias ) ke 2 yang tulisannya acak itu, isikan dengan tulisan acak dibagian error pada bagian blogger tadi, lalu save.

Lalu pilih kembali tab blogger dan klik Simpan.

Lalu klik lagi Edit, dan centang alihkan non-www ke www, kemudian Simpan.

Selamat! Sekarang blog Anda sudah terverifikasi DNS nya dan sudah tersambung dengan domain name Anda.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Graphic Design - Adobe Illustrator/Photoshop - Drop
In this Video we will be working on a graphic design with very unique style. We got a Case Iphone, Using Rectangle, there is a uniquely designed shape folded over it. To create this ,
we will follow very simple steps.

Using only the basic tools, we got this drop design. 

Check out the video to see the complete steps.

Download Stock Vector Iphone Case Mockup :

Thursday, August 11, 2016

This is a video , how to make illuminati pyramid ,

please check the video below , see step by step .
If you have any questions , please comment below this article

Check out my website for more Design tutorials and articles!
Graphic Design - Adobe Illustrator/Photoshop - Drop
In this Video we will be working on a graphic design with very unique style. We got a alphabet B, on the top it, there is a uniquely designed shape folded over it. To create this ,
we will follow very simple steps.

Using only the basic tools, we got this drop design. 

Check out the video to see the complete steps.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

vector is simple ,
you do not need to be complicated to create vector ,

there are many types of vector ,

but , here is a vector vector simple , and very easy for you to try at home,

You can create vector like me ,

or watch a video that I share below.

This is a video about a pair of lovers that I made a vector .

Watch Video: